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Community Rules

Rules as copied from the Discord community rules channel on March 16, 2024.
Please reference the Discord community rules channel to verify the most up-to-date rules.



  • No illegal activities, spam, cross-channel repeated posting, NSFW content, harrasment, etc.
  • Keep things all-age, all-race, all-gender friendly; respect each other and behave like mature adults.
  • Refrain from discussing controversial/sensitive topics such as politics, religion, etc. unless absolutely necessary.
  • Avoid disrupting discussions or the goals and functions of the server in unnecessary ways.
  • This is a design server, not a generic keyboard support and repair server. For support requests for your keyboard, go to the keyboard's vendor instead.

Design Ethics

  • Maintain a safe atmosphere where everyone can design comfortably - help or criticism given should be of the constructive sort.
  • No plagiarism, blatant/illegal IP theft, and other unethical design methods allowed.
  • To nobody's surprise, taking your favorite anime character/vtuber/whatever's assets and barfing them out onto the bottom of a keyboard is not allowed just because you're probably living beyond the realm where the material is under protection laws.
  • Members with known poor track records for ethics in the community may be removed without any prior warning for the safety of the community.

Designer Etiquette

  • When asking questions, always do a best effort search before you ask and list what you have researched/tried so far; this server is not a do-your-research-for-you team.
  • When asking questions, supply as much information as possible (intent, debugging/testing/research already conducted).
  • When providing help, make sure the help is meaningful and correct; misguided help can worsen a situation.
  • Low-effort questions and designing involving little to no effort from your side ("being spoonfed") is prohibited. If you're here to be a designer, act like a designer.
  • Overzealousness is prohibited - for example, trying to design some game-changing keyboard on a budget of $500 and only having been in the hobby for a week. Build your foundations and take practical steps.

Design Technicals

  • Always define dimensions from element A to element B, preferably with an accompanying graphic or diagram; never refer to a dimension by a single amount unless it is completely unambiguous.
  • When sharing images of the screen, use screenshots rather than photos of the screen for the sake of legibility.
  • Refrain from deleting or mass-emptying your questions and messages unless they break the rules - people can search for them later to find the answers.


  • Post ads, IC/GB announcements, etc. only in #member-news.
  • Post service offers only within #service-offers. This rule applies to you even if you are a company or factory.
  • Post requests for commissions, vendor requests, etc. only within #work-requests.
  • Commercial requests should not be conducted without the Commercial role.
  • Conduct any commercial activity, commissions, etc. at your own risk; nobody here will be held liable if something goes wrong.
  • Absolutely no DMing members for advertising your own services, products, or similar. If you receive such a message, please report it to the moderators.


  • There will be an instant ban for severe violations, clear intent to break the rules with awareness, and cases deemed necessary for the safety of the community.
  • For less severe cases, there may be anything from a verbal warning to a timeout to a kick. This does not mean you can continue violating the rules afterwards.
  • For emergency contact and reporting a rule violation, ping the @Moderators role.


  • Atelier is not affiliated with, does not endorse, and is not responsible for any third party services unless explicitly stated otherwise. Each member is under their own responsibility when interacting with any.